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Regreso a clases con McKinney-Vento

Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), including school districts, BOCES, and charter schools, in New York State must complete a Designation Form (STAC 202) for each student identified under the McKinney-Vento Act. This webinar will focus on providing information on the STAC 202 policy. Opportunities will be provided to determine whether an LEA should apply for tuition reimbursement or direct bill another school district for the cost of educating a student in temporary housing.

By the end of the w
ebinar, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the STAC 202 process and how to complete the form.

  • Determine when to apply for tuition reimbursement from NYSED.

  • Distinguish the difference between applying for tuition reimbursement and direct billing.

  • Apply knowledge of the STAC process to specific scenarios.

Recursos clave

PDF de PowerPoint


STAC-202 Form (English)


STAC-202 Form (Spanish)





For more resources, visit the STAC-202 page.

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