Regreso a clases con McKinney-Vento
All Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), including all school districts, charter schools, and BOCES, must designate an appropriate staff person to serve as the McKinney-Vento liaison to help students in temporary housing and their families. This session is designed especially for McKinney Vento liaisons who are new to their role in implementing the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.
By the end of the webinar, participants will:
Provide information about the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.
Describe the role and responsibilities of a McKinney-Vento liaison.
Fulfill the responsibilities of a McKinney-Vento liaison as the primary point of contact for families.
Utilize resources to support families, children, and youth experiencing temporary housing.
Recursos clave
For more resources on the roles and responsibilities of Liaisons, visit the Liaison page.