Datos y estadÃsticas sobre la falta de vivienda
Los datos sobre la falta de vivienda de los estudiantes están disponibles públicamente a través de varias agencias. Los conjuntos de datos actualmente incluyen: identificación de estudiantes sin hogar, identificación de subpoblaciones de estudiantes sin hogar y tasas de logros en las evaluaciones.
Sitio web del Departamento de Educación de EE. UU.: EdDataExpress ; CSPR
Sitio web del NYSED: Boletas de calificaciones estatales
Sitio web NYS-TEACHS: Datos de identificación de personas sin hogar , Datos de la tasa de personas sin hogar (recopilado por NYSED); Datos de identificación y pobreza (datos de pobreza de la Oficina del Censo)
Recursos del tema
Data on Student Homelessness
NYSED Field Memo
New York State Education Department
These spreadsheets contain data on the number of students who experienced homelessness in New York State at any point in the indicated school year. The data were collected by the New York State Education Department in the Student Information Repository System (SIRS) and reflect students enrolled in New York State School Districts and New York State Charter Schools.

BEDS Data on Student Homelessness
Data on students experiencing homelessness were collected in the Basic Educational Data System (BEDS) prior to 2009-10. This spreadsheet contains BEDS data on students who experienced homelessness, collected from New York State School Districts and New York State Charter Schools in 2007-08 and 2008-09.

Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) Data
US Department of Education
Data in New York’s Consolidated State Performance Report were submitted by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) to the US Department of Education. Available data include: LEAs with and without subgrants, enrollment and primary nighttime residences of homeless children and youth, subgroups of homeless children and youth (unaccompanied youth, migratory children and youth, children with disabilities, and Limited English Proficient students), and students scoring proficient in reading, mathematics, and science.

Guides & Fact Sheets
Data Entry in the Student Information Repository System (SIRS) for Students Experiencing Homelessness
Districts must indicate in their student management systems students who experience homelessness at any point during the year. This guide specifies which codes relate to students identified under the McKinney-Vento Act.

Data on Student Homelessness in NYS
New York State Education Department
These spreadsheets contain data on the number of students who experienced homelessness in New York State at any point in the indicated school year. The data were collected by the New York State Education Department in the Student Information Repository System (SIRS) and reflect students enrolled in New York State School Districts and New York State Charter Schools.

ED Data Express
ED Data Express includes data from EDFacts, Consolidated State Performance Reports (CSPR), State Accountability Workbooks, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), the College Board, and the Department’s Budget Service office.

New York State Report Card Data
New York State Education Department
Data in the New York State report cards were submitted by local school district officials to the New York State Education Department (NYSED). Several downloadable files are available, which include information on 3-8 grade assessments, FRPL data, point-in-time enrollment data, graduation rates, and pathways to graduation.
Data broken out by housing status, i.e. whether or not students were identified as homeless, are available in the following files:
- Report Card Database (assessment tabs)
- Enrollment Database

Research & Reports
SIRS Data on Student Homelessness - 3 Year Summary (2015-16, 2016-17, and 2017-18)
This spreadsheet contains data on the number of students who experienced homelessness at any point in the school years 2015-16, 2016-17, and 2017-18. The data were collected by the New York State Education Department in the Student Information Repository System (SIRS) and reflect students enrolled in New York State School Districts and New York State Charter Schools.

Research & Reports
SIRS Data on Student Homelessness – 3 Year Summary (2018-19, 2019-20, and 2020-21)
This spreadsheet contains data on the number of students who experienced homelessness at any point in the school years 2018-19, 2019-20, and 2020-21. The data were collected by the New York State Education Department in the Student Information Repository System (SIRS) and reflect students enrolled in New York State School Districts and New York State Charter Schools.

Forms & Templates
Template End-of-Year Letter
Districts are encouraged to check in with parents whose children are McKinney-Vento eligible (or youth themselves in the case of unaccompanied homeless youth) at the end of each school year to determine whether their housing situation has changed and make appropriate arrangements for the next school year if there has been a change. This template letter can be used to reach out to families for this purpose.

Laws & Guidance
Title I, Part A Set-Aside for Homeless Students: New Data Collection Procedures, Program Service Code 0892
NYSED Field Memo
This Memo from NYSED (May 2019) describes how LEAs should enter data in their student management systems on students served with Title I, Part A set-aside funds for students experiencing homelessness. Starting in the 2018-19 school year, all LEAs must report this information for individual students through the Student Information Repository System using Program Service Code 0892.

Total Enrollment and Student Homelessness Data
New York State Education Department
This spreadsheet contains the total student enrollment, number of students identified as homeless, and the student homelessness rate for each school district and charter school in New York State. The data were collected by the New York State Education Department in the Student Information Repository System (SIRS). Details about methodology and definitions are included in the first tab of the spreadsheet.