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Escuelas charter 

Las escuelas autónomas, como los distritos escolares, deben designar un enlace McKinney-Vento para identificar a los estudiantes en viviendas temporales, ayudarlos a inscribirse en la escuela y organizar el transporte y otros servicios necesarios. Las escuelas autónomas también deben distribuir un Cuestionario de vivienda a todos los estudiantes que se inscriban y a los estudiantes que cambian de dirección para preguntarles sobre el estado de su vivienda. Todas las LEA que reciben fondos del Título I, Parte A, incluidas las escuelas autónomas, deben hacerlo.

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Students Identified as Homeless 2009-2010

This spreadsheet contains data on the number of students who experienced homelessness in New York State at any point in the indicated school year.

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Students Identified as Homeless 2016-17

This spreadsheet contains data on the number of students who experienced homelessness in New York State at any point in the indicated school year.

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Students Identified as Homeless 2011-2012

This spreadsheet contains data on the number of students who experienced homelessness in New York State at any point in the indicated school year.

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Students Identified as Homeless 2010-2011

This spreadsheet contains data on the number of students who experienced homelessness in New York State at any point in the indicated school year.

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Students Identified as Homeless 2012-2013

This spreadsheet contains data on the number of students who experienced homelessness in New York State at any point in the indicated school year.

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Students Identified as Homeless 2014-2015

This spreadsheet contains data on the number of students who experienced homelessness in New York State at any point in the indicated school year.

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Students Identified as Homeless 2013-2014

This spreadsheet contains data on the number of students who experienced homelessness in New York State at any point in the indicated school year.

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Students Identified as Homeless 2015-16

This spreadsheet contains data on the number of students who experienced homelessness in New York State at any point in the indicated school year.

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Students Identified as Homeless 2017-18

This spreadsheet contains data on the number of students who experienced homelessness in New York State at any point in the indicated school year.

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Students Identified as Homeless 2019-20

This spreadsheet contains data on the number of students who experienced homelessness in New York State at any point in the indicated school year.

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Guides & Fact Sheets

Transportation for Students in Temporary Housing in New York State

This chart provides concise information on the transportation rights of students in temporary housing attending school in New York State.

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Laws & Guidance

Charter School Guidance Q&A

NYSED Field Memo:

NYSED’s McKinney-Vento Field Memo #03-2013 (May 2013) answers common questions related to how McKinney-Vento applies to Charter Schools.

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Laws & Guidance

New York City Charter Schools and Community School District Preference for Homeless Students

NYSED Field Memo:
NYSED’s McKinney-Vento Field Memo #03-2010 (July 2010) discusses in which community school districts within NYC children who are homeless may claim preference in order to participate fully in charter school admissions lotteries.

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Laws & Guidance

McKinney-Vento Field Memo #03-2010 A (October 2010) Follow Up

NYSED Field Memo: A follow-up memo, NYSED’s McKinney-Vento Field Memo #03-2010 A (October 2010) provides answers to questions on this topic and is meant to clarify the memo above.

Calle 749 E 135

Bronx, NY 10454

41 State Street, Suite 403

Albany, NY 12207

34 South Broadway, Suite 601

White Plains, NY 10601

We provide information, referrals, and trainings to schools, school districts, social service providers, parents, and others about the educational rights of children and youth experiencing homelessness in New York State. NYS-TEACHS is funded by the New York State Education Department.

Tel: 800.388.2014 | Fax: 212.807.6872 |

If you are unable to access files on our site, please contact the team at NYS-TEACHS and we will provide you with the information in an alternative format.

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El Centro de Asistencia Técnica del Estado de Nueva York para Estudiantes sin Hogar ( es operado por Measurement Incorporated bajo un contrato con el Departamento de Educación del Estado de Nueva York.

© 2022 NYS-TEACHS. Reservados todos los derechos.

El contenido de este sitio web no refleja necesariamente las opiniones o políticas del
Departamento de Educación del Estado de Nueva York.

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